
Eldred Von Scott, 6530453, Lieutenant Colonel


Eldred Von Scott, 6530453, Lieutenant Colonel

Engineer-Gunner Crew 9 

Born September 29, 1907, Atlanta, Georgia
Died July 31, 1978

Completed three years at Union High School, Phoenix, Arizona. Enlisted in U.S. Army (Infantry) September 9, 1924. Transferred to U.S. Air Corps and graduated from Mechanics School. After the Tokyo Raid, served in England and France from February 1944 until February, 1945. Was commissioned as First Lieutenant, April,1943.  Served as maintenance officer in various stateside assignments and in Korea. Retired September 30, 1959. Was employed as Field Operations Analyst by major aircraft company. Decorations include the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Chinese Army, Navy, and Air Corps Medal, Class A, 1st Grade.

Ashes scattered in the Pacific

Tags: Crew 9